lunes, 17 de noviembre de 2014


Ok, this year I’ve done the English level 3 and 4 and that have was a pretty odd experience. I think the most important thing I’ve learned is that I have to do the things in their times, and I should take English when I was on my first college year, because now, this year, I’ve had a lot to do, and have to do the English levels pending was a little heavy.
I always think that you learn more if you have good time learning. For that reason I always try to write or say (in my blogs and videos) something fun or –apparently– without importance, because I want to get fun and make try to forget the problems of the semester, besides, my classmates are the serious ones, I wanna be different. But, whatever, writing a blog, for me, always gonna be a great experience.
Vocabulary and grammatical are my biggest English language monsters, but I think if I try to learn more about it, writing and speech going to be easier, so, let’s practice!
Although my English it’s not the great thing, that’s a very present language in my life, all the days, the 90% of the music I listen is in this language, for that reason sometimes I write a very bad English, full of abbreviations or new words, that’s because the pop and hip hop music. Movies are also a good kind of way to learn more English, because the performances help to understand the intentions, and with it, sometimes you understand it all. Also sometimes I learn English, but in the majority of the cases, are news and digital articles, I think I have to read more books in English.

lunes, 3 de noviembre de 2014

Class #9: 2014 HAVE YOU HAD A GOOD YEAR?

Firstly, I have to say that I think it’s too early to do a year-revision or analysis yet, 2014 still being here and different thing still going to happen.
Well, I think 2014 has been a not so-good year, has been weird. I remember all the things happen at this years and I think that 2013 was better, in all aspects of my life.
The best were:  This year I’ve didn’t had problems with the money, and that’s something important to me, I’ve didn’t had to beg to anybody. Another thing it’s that I’ve been busy this year, I’ve had some projects and maybe I’m a little tired, I’ve learned a lot. My friends has been present this year, and that’s a very good thing, I’ve has many meetings with my school-friends and college-friend this year, that’s wonderful, good times, good memories, parties are never a never bad thang.
The bad were: University, this year it’s so boring, and useless, I would prefer to work, really. I’ve didn’t had time to entertainment, I’ve went to a few concerts or theatre plays for example (but has been so good), but I’ve went to the cinema many times, maybe it’s my most cinephile year (and this isn’t a bad thing, LOL). Another bas things has happen, but I don’t want to mention it, but I have a picture to Cecilia (if you read this, and see it, you will remember).

Coming soon
I’ve didn’t plan this year, has not been so good, I just want to be in 2015. But first I want to enjoy Christmas, my favorite time at year, then I will be so happy.