lunes, 17 de noviembre de 2014


Ok, this year I’ve done the English level 3 and 4 and that have was a pretty odd experience. I think the most important thing I’ve learned is that I have to do the things in their times, and I should take English when I was on my first college year, because now, this year, I’ve had a lot to do, and have to do the English levels pending was a little heavy.
I always think that you learn more if you have good time learning. For that reason I always try to write or say (in my blogs and videos) something fun or –apparently– without importance, because I want to get fun and make try to forget the problems of the semester, besides, my classmates are the serious ones, I wanna be different. But, whatever, writing a blog, for me, always gonna be a great experience.
Vocabulary and grammatical are my biggest English language monsters, but I think if I try to learn more about it, writing and speech going to be easier, so, let’s practice!
Although my English it’s not the great thing, that’s a very present language in my life, all the days, the 90% of the music I listen is in this language, for that reason sometimes I write a very bad English, full of abbreviations or new words, that’s because the pop and hip hop music. Movies are also a good kind of way to learn more English, because the performances help to understand the intentions, and with it, sometimes you understand it all. Also sometimes I learn English, but in the majority of the cases, are news and digital articles, I think I have to read more books in English.

2 comentarios:

  1. Reading books in English is a excellent idea and information on Internet too.

  2. I think you were the best student of the English class. Congratulations!
