lunes, 25 de agosto de 2014


Somethin' 'Shulo'
I really want to go to the moon, because I fell in love of it when I saw the Méliès’ short film “A trip to the Moon”, in that piece of art, the moon it's showed like an amazing place to go, with wonderful creatures and magic moments.
For me the moon it's THE place to go there's nobody, and I could be there completely alone with their magical residents.

But exist a great problem, the possibility for go to the moon it's not the same of the Méliès’ film. Even being at the 2014, a trip to the moon in this time it's impossible for a common guy like me -well, for an astronaut also is not a very probable possibility-.Another problem is that in the moon there's no air, or oxygen, for that reason, I couldn’t alive.

very shulo
Really I think a trip to the moon it's just like a dream to me. Thinkin' about it, I really don't like the moon, I like Saturn. Maybe just want to choose a place that nobody could choose, I don't care, I just want to finish the 170 words. Oh, I did it!

3 comentarios:

  1. If I could go to a planet or something like that, you know well what I would choose ;)
    Take me to your planet, take me to your leader!

  2. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  3. I love the moon, hope to travel soon. When my millionaire father takes me in his spaceship =)
