lunes, 29 de septiembre de 2014


Ohh this is my less favorite topic for a blog, because I don’t
like to think in the future. I am a person who lives his present, without preoccupations and living de crazy life.
I’ve always been a person who liked to be rich and famous, so I think my future gonna be amazing, my objective in live going to be get the success in all the aspect at my life.
At the university, I’ve don’t take any major and I don’t know if I want still taken theorist classes. So I don’t think that my future gonna be still studying.
What kind of job would you like to have? Well, I think
Me at the future
something that makes me famous and make me earn a lot. I could be: a famous musician, a movie star, director of commercials movies, weapons trafficker, drug dealer, gangsters (G4L), business man, or politician.
Future mouth
For take a job I will consider the payment, to have a little of working hours and start to work so late and finish early morning, because I’m a night owl.

If I had an interview, I could say about me: I’m a responsible, passionate, funny, earnest, stronger and a natural leader. But in the other side, I can be: PERFECT.

this gonna B tha story of my life


4 comentarios:

  1. unemployed then a drug dealer famous one

  2. carpe diem jajaja you have the reason, but i think that you will be a famous religious because yo have the calling of god.

  3. Please, understand, you'll never be famous. That shit only happens to Lady Gaga.
