lunes, 17 de noviembre de 2014


Ok, this year I’ve done the English level 3 and 4 and that have was a pretty odd experience. I think the most important thing I’ve learned is that I have to do the things in their times, and I should take English when I was on my first college year, because now, this year, I’ve had a lot to do, and have to do the English levels pending was a little heavy.
I always think that you learn more if you have good time learning. For that reason I always try to write or say (in my blogs and videos) something fun or –apparently– without importance, because I want to get fun and make try to forget the problems of the semester, besides, my classmates are the serious ones, I wanna be different. But, whatever, writing a blog, for me, always gonna be a great experience.
Vocabulary and grammatical are my biggest English language monsters, but I think if I try to learn more about it, writing and speech going to be easier, so, let’s practice!
Although my English it’s not the great thing, that’s a very present language in my life, all the days, the 90% of the music I listen is in this language, for that reason sometimes I write a very bad English, full of abbreviations or new words, that’s because the pop and hip hop music. Movies are also a good kind of way to learn more English, because the performances help to understand the intentions, and with it, sometimes you understand it all. Also sometimes I learn English, but in the majority of the cases, are news and digital articles, I think I have to read more books in English.

lunes, 3 de noviembre de 2014

Class #9: 2014 HAVE YOU HAD A GOOD YEAR?

Firstly, I have to say that I think it’s too early to do a year-revision or analysis yet, 2014 still being here and different thing still going to happen.
Well, I think 2014 has been a not so-good year, has been weird. I remember all the things happen at this years and I think that 2013 was better, in all aspects of my life.
The best were:  This year I’ve didn’t had problems with the money, and that’s something important to me, I’ve didn’t had to beg to anybody. Another thing it’s that I’ve been busy this year, I’ve had some projects and maybe I’m a little tired, I’ve learned a lot. My friends has been present this year, and that’s a very good thing, I’ve has many meetings with my school-friends and college-friend this year, that’s wonderful, good times, good memories, parties are never a never bad thang.
The bad were: University, this year it’s so boring, and useless, I would prefer to work, really. I’ve didn’t had time to entertainment, I’ve went to a few concerts or theatre plays for example (but has been so good), but I’ve went to the cinema many times, maybe it’s my most cinephile year (and this isn’t a bad thing, LOL). Another bas things has happen, but I don’t want to mention it, but I have a picture to Cecilia (if you read this, and see it, you will remember).

Coming soon
I’ve didn’t plan this year, has not been so good, I just want to be in 2015. But first I want to enjoy Christmas, my favorite time at year, then I will be so happy. 

lunes, 27 de octubre de 2014


As a child
Oh, sweet money honey. I Love You.
Being a rich has been my dream since ever. Even didn’t know what I’ve become, or what going to be my profession, I knew it, money will be my objective*.
Always the people put health as their first priority (after its money and love), but for me it’s money –without a doubt–, the first option.
When I have money, I like to go to the mall (especially Costanera Center with) and buy clothes and other things. I think it’s very important have a big and update closet, your clothes says many things about you. Also I liked to go to the cinema, tether, and concerts or to the club (spend money in funny and “culture”). And eating it’s also a good way to spend money, but at the same time, its necessary spend money at the gym and surgery.
But money runs out quickly, I’m not good managing my budget, I usually waste my money the first days at the month and I past the rest of it short of cash. So I have to be more organized with my ca$h.
  If I were a millionaire, I could do everything I want; I’d buy a castle for living the rest of my days as a king. I would do movies with high value, not like the poor cinema made here in Chile. Also, I could use my money to influence people and make they do what I want. I don’t know if I would give some of my money to different organizations, maybe it’s a waste of time.

I’m gonna finish this post with a rich playlist.

lunes, 20 de octubre de 2014

Class #7: HOW GREEN R U ?


Green’s my favorite color, but doesn’t represent me at all.
Personally, I don’t have a real interest on the environment, because we are in this planet just once, and we have to life our lives like there’s not a tomorrow. And, as a selfish I am, I really don’t care about the new generations.
At school, like here in the University, there are green groups concerned about the environment care, but they were, and are, just small groups without a many influence (not like the politics collectives). I just ignored it.
I think there are more important things in life that fight for the life of trees or plants that doesn’t have feelings, like become happy persons and have money. Plants are for eating or smoking it. For me, the eco-organizations are just a waste of time, with people that doesn’t have anything to do, only bother other people and get angry for all. Like animals rights-organizations, and feminist groups.
As I’m a very contaminator, I like to go in car to anywhere, because is faster and more comfortable
that the horrible public transport, and at the cities –and all the places– (in Chile) there are not good conditions for cyclists. Also, on winter, like I live in a rural zone, I can turn on the firewood heater when it’s cold.

Cooming Soon
Remember, You Only Live Once, and the planet one day has to bring down, naturally. And when that happens, the planet doesn’t going to be good with nobody.

lunes, 6 de octubre de 2014


Today I’m gonna comment a couple of news that happens recently, and the first it’s a total surprise in Hollywood. It’s sad, but with the time we gonna get over. The American rapper Whiz Khalifa and the model Amber Rose are getting divorced. The fabulous hip-hop couple beaked-up since one or two weeks, citing irreconcilable differences in their split. And the same day o
f their split, Amber Rose’s intimates photos were leaked on internet. Rumors say about unfaithfulness by Wiz and Amber, but recently the DJ Peter Rosenberg, friend of Rose, say that the reason of the break-up was that “Amber Rose caught Wiz Khalifa in a threesome with two girls, specifically twins.
And talking about threesomes, another breaking new happen in Louisiana, where two female teachers were arrested for make a threesome with a 16-years-old student at Destrehan High School. Shelley Dufresne (34) and Rachel Respess (24) invited the student go to one of the home of both, after a football game. After the alleged threesome, who may have been recorded, the student was “bragging to other students that he was having a sexual relationship with teachers”, and other students has accusing had sex with the teachers and have been recorded. The two female teachers risk numerous charges, including carnal knowledge of a juvenile and contributing to a juvenile’s delinquency.

Teachers involves on the 3some
This news doesn’t affect my community, city or country, but I think it’s more important to know about the celebrities’ personal life, it’s funnier that war news and political news. I’d like to watch more of this news, because there are more necessary to hear, because we can have fun and forgot all the real problems outside.

lunes, 29 de septiembre de 2014


Ohh this is my less favorite topic for a blog, because I don’t
like to think in the future. I am a person who lives his present, without preoccupations and living de crazy life.
I’ve always been a person who liked to be rich and famous, so I think my future gonna be amazing, my objective in live going to be get the success in all the aspect at my life.
At the university, I’ve don’t take any major and I don’t know if I want still taken theorist classes. So I don’t think that my future gonna be still studying.
What kind of job would you like to have? Well, I think
Me at the future
something that makes me famous and make me earn a lot. I could be: a famous musician, a movie star, director of commercials movies, weapons trafficker, drug dealer, gangsters (G4L), business man, or politician.
Future mouth
For take a job I will consider the payment, to have a little of working hours and start to work so late and finish early morning, because I’m a night owl.

If I had an interview, I could say about me: I’m a responsible, passionate, funny, earnest, stronger and a natural leader. But in the other side, I can be: PERFECT.

this gonna B tha story of my life


lunes, 22 de septiembre de 2014


Maybe you can thank that my best friend doesn't exist, but in the deep of my soul, I know 
Powerful and full of love

he's present in every moment and every place at my entire life.
My best friend is the only, fantastic, and the beautiful Jesus, a.k.a Yeezus.
He's cute ;) (is he single??)
I meet him when I was a child, well; my parents are the responsible for know him. But I thing I knew him for another and previous life.
My parents and teachers at church teach me the importance of believe and have faith with him, and all his life, supported in the book that tells his story, that’s was the moment I discover him.
We are friends for all the life; we know everything about another, above him, because he’s omniscient and omnipresent.
I think he’s my best friend because he’s for all the moments in my life –good and bad–, he support me with his powers, and give peace and quiet, I know I can count with him love and support all my life. And all my worldly friends are sinners and take me for the bad way, because always are on party, using drugs, drinking or doing something that makes Jesus sad.

I want to finish this blog with beautiful music that remembers me the personality of my friend J
He against his bad brotha, He wins, obviously

lunes, 8 de septiembre de 2014


Y'ung & Wild
I remember this summer with many love, I did funny things, and one of that was to go to a little concert's seasons that organized my municipality (I'm from Graneros, VI Region), and my favorite concert was the amazing show which gave us Luchito Jara.

So closer of ur kis (8)
The show was so incredible, He's so funny, and He know how to entertain his pu
blic and his fans (the most of them are old ladies with nothing to do and a poor musical taste), He, appart to be one of the best Chilean voices, is a charismatic animator, and have a little of humorist; I remember all the ladies laughing for minutes with his ridiculous performances.

Mino (y shulo)
The most amazing moment at the night was when He sing "Mañana" (Tomorrow), because this is my favorite Lucho Jara's song, I hear it and my hearts just stops and I start to cry, especially when he sing "I'm gonna fall in ur feet, I'm gonna drink of ur honey, I'm gonna fight for your heart ♪♫♥" OMG, I cant's believe it, that lyric's amazing. And also I enjoyed the song "Cerca" (Close), because I knew it the choreography, and It's a young and cheerful song (If you can, you can watch its amazing video clip).

Ohh, that concert was amazing, I hope to see him again.

Favorite song



lunes, 1 de septiembre de 2014


HI Yo!!!
Today I'm gonna talk 'bout my favorite movie. I think it's a very difficult work to choose just one movie; I'm a cinema student hehehe.
But the last movie I saw became my favorite because I saw it on my birthday, and was a gift from the Hoyts Cinema, and from God. And the magnificent movie is: THE FAULT IN OUR STARS.
The movie (based on the self-titled novel by John Green) is about the wonderful Hazel Landcaster, a sixteen years old cancer patient who is forced by her parents to go to a support group in a local chapel. In this club she meets Augustus Waters, a very nice guy who have similar points of view of cancer. Later, they fell in love and have nice adventures, including Amsterdam (MEGA SPOILER ALERT) until of one them dies. (OMG, this is soooo sad :( )
Playing the starring role it’s Shailene Woodley, one of the new Hollywood faces, and a young promise. Co-starring it’s Ansel Elgort, a cute guy, but not a great actor, another acts on the cast are: Nat Wolff, Laura Dern, Sam Trammell, and Willem Dafoe.
The story takes place in Indianapolis, and my favorite part is the funeral of one of the protagonist, and the other protagonist tells a beautiful funeral speech, and have a place a lot of reflections about life and dead, this is the most important message by the movie and the book, have another conception about to die and the past in this world.

Another good reason to watch it it’s the soundtrack, my favorite song it’s the principal song by the movie, performed by the amazing Charli XCX it’s ‘Boom Clap’.



lunes, 25 de agosto de 2014


Somethin' 'Shulo'
I really want to go to the moon, because I fell in love of it when I saw the Méliès’ short film “A trip to the Moon”, in that piece of art, the moon it's showed like an amazing place to go, with wonderful creatures and magic moments.
For me the moon it's THE place to go there's nobody, and I could be there completely alone with their magical residents.

But exist a great problem, the possibility for go to the moon it's not the same of the Méliès’ film. Even being at the 2014, a trip to the moon in this time it's impossible for a common guy like me -well, for an astronaut also is not a very probable possibility-.Another problem is that in the moon there's no air, or oxygen, for that reason, I couldn’t alive.

very shulo
Really I think a trip to the moon it's just like a dream to me. Thinkin' about it, I really don't like the moon, I like Saturn. Maybe just want to choose a place that nobody could choose, I don't care, I just want to finish the 170 words. Oh, I did it!